Dairy Nutritional Value


Yoghurt bowls


Bowl 1
±3/4 of a cup of double cream yoghurt 
4-5 fresh pineapple slices 
1 banana  – sliced 
A few pieces of coconut, thinly sliced
Chopped pecan nuts 
A drizzle of honey

Bowl 2: 
±3/4 of a cup of double cream yoghurt 
1 Grapefruit – sliced 
4-5 fresh strawberries – sliced 
1/2 a banana – sliced 
1/2 an apple – sliced 
A handful of muesli

Bowl 3:
±3/4 of a cup of double cream yoghurt 
4-5 fresh strawberries – sliced 
A handful of fresh blueberries 
A handful of muesli
A drizzle of honey 


  1. Choose you favourite fruit combination. Slice fruit.
  2. Spoon the yoghurt into a bowl and top with sliced fruit and nuts.
  3. Drizzle with honey.